Saturday, February 22, 2020

HALTH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HALTH - Essay Example The findings from the interview would be summarized to respond to the following question: â€Å"Does marital satisfaction decrease with children? Two different sets of married couples were interviewed. One set had been married for more than five years and have three children. The other set of couples had been married for seven years but they did not have any children. The results of the interview are presented in tabular format as shown below: From the results of the interview, it could be deduced that marital satisfaction does not only depend on the factor of raising children. For both sets of couples, it could be observed that both were relatively happy and satisfied (with or without children). It is therefore evident that couples indeed would have wanted to have children, if given the chance. For the couples without children, it was relayed that they wanted to raise them but since the wife was already in her late or mature age when they got married, biological reasons prevented them doing so. As such, they learned to accept the fact that they could not have children and it was evident from their relationship that their satisfaction and happiness was not diminished by not having children. For the couple with three children, it was noted that children provided them with happiness that strengthened their marital bond. There were challenges in terms of meeting financial obligations and supporting the needs of the children; but this was accepted to be part of life. It was noted to have actually helped in striving to work harder to support the children’s needs and to try as much as they can to avail of much entertainment, leisure and relaxation as they could possibly accommodate. Overall, the interview results indicated that although children could have significantly contributed to providing happiness and a sense of fulfillment to married couples, this is not the sole factor that determines marital satisfaction. Even couples who do not have

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Media and Cultural Landscapes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Media and Cultural Landscapes - Essay Example Most of my medium consumption happened using telecommunication gadgets such as mobile phones. Other activities that are part of media consumption entail playing online games, reading newspapers and charting over the social network sites. Lastly, I read posters and other forms of public advertisement. This paper discusses on the effects that media consumption has on the â€Å"Corporations, Social & Environmental Responsibility† and theories of the consumer to the society. 1. Corporations, social & environmental responsibility and reading magazines This involves the communities’ activities towards promoting their general welfare. It is evident that reading magazines promotes CRS among population globally through encouraging enlightenment in populations. Using media organizations and individuals can initiate development projects while being guided by information from magazines (Aggarwal, & Gupta 2001). In addition, persons make ethically accepted choices in terms of behavi our within communities through reading about moral practices. However, reading magazines has not influenced peoples habits compared to watching television. Through reading magazines, I get information on the current happenings in both political and fiscal events within the country. Straubhaar, Larose & Davenport (2012) asserts that newspapers apart from educating the masses, they are a massive literature source for entertainment to the public. The foremost part of this study will discuss reading magazines as the first act of consumption thereafter, reading magazines by different audiences. Magazine in this case applies to informative written materials such as newspapers and trade journals (Sparks 2012). Through reading publications, I was able to get an insight on the happenings that promoted CSR within the country. Media enhanced my knowledge for understanding the use of technology and other forms of improvements such as the innovation of electronic commerce activities. It happened after reading manuals and other writings about the use of electronic equipments. According to Aggarwal, & Gupta, (2001), media acts as a source of revenue for practitioners in the reporting field such as journalists. Media can act as a tool for promoting nationalism among populations. Through media, institutions have been able to conduct research in various fields of practice such as science and art. Media use is for the public good like promoting ethics within populations (Sparks 2012). Ideas from magazine articles help in creating awareness for urgent CSR issues requiring critical attention. Likewise, authorities use media to develop nationalism by encouraging citizens to read. It increases literacy levels of individuals, and it is the best mode communicating at speed within communities. Public relations are an integral part of mass media, which greatly contribute towards effective communication by individuals. In the current technologically advanced era, organizations strongly f ocus towards providing superior cooperate assistance to various communities (Straubhaar, & Larose 2006). Ideally, journalists have the requisite capacity to investigate communal needs and expectations regarding specific projects that would improve their social and environmental setting. CSR is vital for institutions to give back realized fortunes to locals through identified projects to strengthen the existing bond between the corporation and community members. According